MONDAY: Four rounds total, focus on offense.
TUESDAY: Six rounds total, focus on defense.
FRIDAY: Ten rounds, One of the busiest sparring days ever, Five rounds focus on defense, and five rounds focus on offense.
I need to get as much sparring in now as I can, since by the end of December, my registration with Boxing Ontario will expire. Richard has informed me to wait until January to re-register, as he is not sure if he will be staying with Boxing Ontario, or switching to Ontario Boxing Association.
Although, some guys have already registered with Boxing Ontario, I can't see Richard switching now.
Although, I would like to get the medical exams out of the way. You know my physician is going to want me to go for a thousand tests before he signs off my form.
The Advantages and Disadvantages Of Living Closer To the Gym
Now living only a few blocks from Stockyards Boxing, means being able to go every day, and I do.
I even went on Thursday, after a massive winter storm.
The annoying part is that there is still a chronic problem with buses being late.
I am a bit pissed, because the TTC apparently fixed the problem with the 191 bus, after I stopped taking it.
Well, thanks, but it does not help me now.
On Thursday, going to the gym, the 79A was 14 minutes late.
Okay, granted, there was a storm, but by the time I left to go to the gym, the roads were pretty-well clear, so, really not an excuse.
Oddly, on Friday the 79A was late again, 12 minutes this time, and definitely no excuse.
That cuts into my training time.
Let's look at this from a boxing perspective. 12 minutes is four rounds. That's my warm-up time. If the bus was 12 minutes late, I don't have time to warm-up. Therefore, if Junmar asks my why I did not warm-up, my answer will be, "Ask the bus driver."
That's not all, coming home from boxing on Friday, I walked over to Jane, to get the 35C. It was also late, and therefore, very crowded.
What was annoying, is that the driver thought it was a huge freaking joke.
Seriously, he was joking about it.
Not so much of a joke if someone gets injured, due to the bus being too crowded, now it is?
You see, I have a special relationship with bus drivers.
I don't like them.
They don't respect the passengers. All they care about is getting their precious lay-over time. Regardless of how it affects the passengers.
Yeah, well, here is the thing. In Ontario, bus drivers are not legally entitled to a break.
Its true. You can look it up in the Employment Standards Act.
Therefore, if a bus driver wants a break, then damn-well get to the terminal early. Otherwise, you forfeit your break.
Too bad, so sad. Let me get the violin.
Malice In Blunderland...Part 26 (or something like that)
Still on the topic of public employees, the poor things, here is a true story from
the world of Service Canada.
Since being laid-off from the previous security company, I have since filed for Employment Insurance.
Okay, so the process takes about six weeks, because the public employees who handle it are really busy [yeah, right].
Anyway, it has been about a month since I filed, and have since found other employment, so I kind of forgot about my EI claim.
Until yesterday, when I received this from Service Canada, redirected to my new address:
Keep in mind while you read these, that I was laid-off due to lack of work.
Note the parts I underlined.
How many times is ¨Voluntary separation" mentioned here?
...and that is just the first two of many pages.
Also note that it is from Mississauga...Do I really need to say more?
Anyway, at this point, I have three options.
1} I can fill out the form properly, as best I can, and let them go through all the trouble of trying to process my claim. Then tell them I have found another job.
2} I can just not bother with it, and let the claim application lapse.
3} I can fill out the form sarcastically, and send it in.
Of course, you all know which one I really want to do.
I don't know what it is, but every time I deal with the Ei people, there is a problem, a mistake on their part.
Applying for Ei is a stressful time in someone's life. They could at least try to make the process as painless as possible.
I know there are rules and laws they have to follow, but it does not help that they make so many mistakes.
Maybe they are doing it on purpose. Maybe they figure if they make the process "difficult", it will discourage people from using it.
I really don't know.
All I know is that once again I am dealing with stupidity.
Bloor Fitness Verses Goodlife Fitness?
The question of the year: Do I stay with Bloor Fitness, or switch to Goodlife Fitness?
Here is the thing. Employees of the security company I am currently with, get a significant discount at Goodlife. Although, I don't know how much yet.
Here is are the 'things': The closest Goodlife to me is at the Sun Life Centre, across from Islington subway station. Which is farther than the travel to Bloor Fitness.
Goodlife does not have boxing facilities.
The last time I was a member at Goodlife, I hated it.
Although, I don't much like the bullshit that goes on at Bloor, I am "established" there, and still know a lot of the other members.
However, if the discount at Goodlife is significant enough to undercut what I pay at Bloor, it may be enough of an incentive for me to switch.
Although, Stockyards Boxing is the closest gym to me, and I have not been to Bloor since moving to Jane Street.
At this point I am thinking, 'Do I need two gym memberships?'
Geez, my life is complicated isn't it?
"The Brick"
Record: 0 / 2 / 1
September 27 /2014 vs. Matt Standish [Loss by decision] @ 85 kg
June 14 /2014 vs. Leo Ronin [Loss by decision] @ 86 kg
September 21 /2013 Exhibition @ 90 kg
Stance: Orthodox (Left lead) / Style: Technical
Status: ACTIVE
*Daily within 2 weeks of a match, weekly otherwise.
Current: 186 lbs / 84 kg
HR resting 62 - 64
HR stressed, on treadmill 130 - 134
HR stressed, after sparring 134 - 138
"The Brick", member of the Stockyards Boxing Team
Next scheduled bout: N/A
Training schedule: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, sparring 2 - 3 times weekly
Coach: Richard Soucé / Trainer: Junmar Emon