Hi all.
For those of you living in the Southern Ontario area, I hope you are all enjoying this winter.
I just can't believe how warm it has been, and so little snow.
I have sent my renewal to Boxing Ontario. I marked on the form that I wanted my Passport delivered to the gym by February 5.
That is cutting it very close, but I don't care. I asked the membership coordinator how much time I needed to allow, and she did not answer me....so screw them.
I can not spar until my coach gets my Passport, so unless Boxing Ontario wants to start paying my gym dues, they will have my Passport ready by February 5.
Speaking of my renewal, I have also received the bill from my physician for the medical exam.
Are you ready for this? [Drum roll please]........$30.
The last time, if you remember, it was $85 for the same exam.
It is still $100 for Boxing Ontario. That will never change....Well, yes it will.
It will go up. That is a guarantee.
It is like TTC fares.
Back to the gym:
Junmar is still away, and we are still not sure when he will be returning. "Sometime in February"...so that could be February 28, right?
Will, from Bramalea Boxing is still helping us train. He is a good coach, but he is beginning to ask us for money.
Yeah, here's the thing...He are coaching at 'my' gym, where I am already paying a fee. That fee includes coaching.
I mean, I could understand if I was asking for coaching out side of regular gym times, or going up to his gym.
He is a nice guy, and a great coach, but I am not paying him.
Do you see where I am going with this?
Do I really I need to start an unreasonably long rant?
Am I wrong with this? Tell me if you think I am wrong.
Let's see...What else is happening?
Mississauga buses are still never on time. That isn't really news, since they are never on time.
However, on Sunday evening, I was late for work for the very first time, but it was not because of Mississauga Transit.
It was the Toronto Transit Commission. Yeah...We haven't heard from them in a while.
It was only a matter of time, because as sure as teh sun will rise again, the TTC will piss me off again.
They had something called a "Service Suspension" (At least that is what they are calling it now, until the come up with another stupid name).
There was no subway service on the Bloor-Danforth line.
Although, buses were supposed to be on to replace the trains, in the 20+ minutes that I waited, I did not see one damn bus.
Of course, this is no big deal. I was only going for work. I can just wander in anytime I want. That's fine. .
Thanks to the TTC, my perfect attendance record is destroyed.
Idiots. Oh yeah, I forgot, City of Toronto service. [Hee...hee...hee...I work for the City].
The only thing that is going to "fix" the TTC, and most other city services, is privatization.
Am I wrong with this? Tell me if you think I am wrong.
Back to boxing:
Stockyards Boxing Gym was closed on Monday.
They had a post on their Facebook page a few days ago, "Due to circumstances beyond our control we will be closed on Monday".
That's fine. I figured Richard had something important to do.
Well, on Monday, there was a post on the Stockyards page again, of a film crew in the gym.
They were apparently filming a scene for a film.
Oh, so that explains the "Circumstances beyond our control".
Okay, here we go. This goes right back to one of my major pet peeves with gyms in Toronto.
I will once again ask: 'Are you a boxing gym or a film studio?'
A gym would rather inconvenience its members to bring in a film crew?
A film shoot is one day. Members are your bread and butter.
I have nothing against film crews, but allow them in when it is not going to affect the members so much.
Could they not have filmed on Sunday, while the gym was closed most of the day anyway?
No, they allow the crew in on Monday, the busiest day of the week.
Compromise people, compromise. It is not that difficult.
Films can adjust their shooting schedule to allow for these things.
What happened to "My members come first"?
The members certainly did not come first on Monday, January 27, 2014.
Am I wrong with this? Tell me if you think I am wrong.
Paul "The Brick" Brec