MONDAY: 4 Rounds, 12 minutes
TUESDAY: 4 Rounds, 12 minutes
WEEK TOTAL: 8 Rounds, 24 minutes
SUNDAY: Cardio, resistnace training, bag 60 minutes
MONDAY: Sparring, bag, shadow boxing, 90 minutes
TUESDAY: Sparring. shadow boxing, 75 minutes
WEDNESDAY: Shadow boxing, technical training, bag 75 minutes
THURSDAY: Technical training, shadow boxing, bag 60 minutes
FRIDAY: Cardio, bag 30 minutes
WEEK TOTAL: 390 minutes
Training schedule: Fri. Sun (Bloor), Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs (Stockyards). Sat. (Blog update)
Well, I received my huge tax refund on Thursday. A whole $172.
I guess it is better than having to pay.
It just annoys me that a person who makes piss-poor wages, is entitled to so few tax credits, while the rich get tons of them.
Anyway, moving on...
At least it is enough to buy an new groin protector, or `Nutcracker`as I call it.
My old one was too big. It fell off while sparring last week.
I ordered a new one from Rival. I ordered the best one they had. With tax, it was $100.
Hey, you can`t skimp when it comes to keeping your almonds safe.
I am hoping it will be in on Monday, so I can break it in during Monday`s sparring session.
The security company sent me for training on Friday.
It was a combination of physical training and classroom.
It was 12-hours long, 8 am - 8 pm.
In the morning, it was classroom.
We studied in detail, the Private Investigator and Security Services Act.
That is understandable.
Then we did the Ontario Trespass To Property Act.
Also understandable.
Both are not complex acts, only about five pages each.
Then it was the Ontario Fire Code. Parts of it.
Then we studied the Canada Criminal Code. Not all of it, of course.
After, we did a bit ot the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Again, just a bit of it.
That is a lot to learn in one morning.
Is it really necessary for a security guard to know the Fire Code, Criminal Code, and Charter Rights and Freedoms?
I am not saying it is not good to know those things. After all, knowledge is power. All I am saying is that they should have held off on those, instead of cramming it in all in one morning.
You know, offer those as an extension on a different day for those who want it.
In the afternoon, after my brain exploded, we went into the gym (Yes, my security company has a gym).
We started by doing some very basic exercises.
A light jog around the mats, a few push ups, that's about it. Barely a warm-up for me.
I was surprised that some of our guards are so badly out of shape.
Stop eating doughnuts...oh, no, wait, that's the police.
We then worked on some basic self-defense.
Again, not really nessesary for me. However, it doesn't hurt to know.
So, that's my week.
How are you?
Stockyards Boxing next in-house show is scheduled for April 25.
See one of Toronto`s best boxing teams live!
Tickets will be available from the gym. Look here for availability.
"The Brick"
Record: 0 / 2 / 1
September 27 /2014 vs. Matt Standish [Loss by decision] @ 85 kg
June 14 /2014 vs. Leo Ronin [Loss by decision] @ 86 kg
September 21 /2013 Exhibition @ 90 kg
Stance: Orthodox (Left lead) / Style: Offensive-Aggressive
Status: ACTIVE
*Daily within 2 weeks of a match, weekly otherwise.
Current: 180 lbs / 82 kg
HR resting 60 - 64
HR stressed, on treadmill 130 - 134
HR stressed, after sparring 134 - 138
HR resting 60 - 64
HR stressed, on treadmill 130 - 134
HR stressed, after sparring 134 - 138
"The Brick", member of the Stockyards Boxing Team
Stockyards Boxing and Fitness, 215 Ryding Ave., Toronto
Next scheduled bout: N/A
Training schedule: Fri, Sun (Bloor), Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs (Stockyards). Sparring 2 - 3 times weekly.
Training schedule: Fri, Sun (Bloor), Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs (Stockyards). Sparring 2 - 3 times weekly.
Coach: Richard Soucé / Trainer: Junmar Emon