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Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Schedule, New Hope

Hey everyone! I hope you have all had a great holiday season.
Welcome to 2012. The last year on the Mayan calendar.
Since this is supposed to be "Last Year", maybe it will be a "Good Year" for me...and I am not talking tires.

I have decided, all I want to do is step into the ring and compete at Master's level for a year. That's all. Give me one year just to say , "I did it." Then I can stick out my tongue at all the disbelievers.
After that, my plans are to continue in boxing as a photographer, and I want to get my Official's certification, so I can be a referee.
I will, of course, continue to train and spar, and do some recreational boxing.

Speaking of training, I have not been to Richard's gym during the holidays because it was closed most of the time, but I did do regular training at Bloor, including the sparring classes.
There was officially no sparring class this past Thursday. Blood had cancelled all classes last week for the holidays. However, the entire class showed up anyway, except the instructor.
We went ahead with class. Although we are not supposed to spar without an instructor, we were just doing some soft practice. It was all of the regular guys from class. I don't think anyone will complain about that. What is the point of taking a class, if you can not practice what you have learned?

I will be returning to Stockyards Gym today, as they are back on regular schedule. 
I met Coach Richard at the supermarket yesterday. He said that he will be holding another boxing show in February, but none this month. I will post more about it once it has been announced.
He has also said that he is going to get someone else to do the video recording of the matches, but he wants me to work with them.
Oh, OK. I thought I had the exclusive right to video for Stockyards. If I am working with someone else, I do not have control over what happens to the videos. That means they will not be on YouTube. I had big plans for the next series of vids. They were going to be in 3D.
Oh, well. That is what he wants.

Due to the possibility of crappy weather, my Winter Schedule will include more "at home" options for training. Also, because there is an indoor pool at my apartment building, "Water exercises" will also be added. This includes swimming and other exercises that can be done in the pool. Not synchronized swimming. Don't even joke about that!
My coach has approved this, and recommends swimming as a form of training for boxers.
This new schedule will give me more flexibility in allowing for poor weather, and will allow me to train daily.
I have also removed 'classes' from this semester, as these are more geared to aerobics than to boxing.  I will cover conditioning during the open training sessions.
This schedule will be in effect until Easter weekend.

SUNDAY: Open training at Bloor (90 minutes)
MONDAY: Water exercises at home (60 minutes)
TUESDAY: Open training at Bloor or Stockyards or at home (Alternating and weather dependent) (90 minutes)
WEDNESDAY: Open training at Bloor or Stockyards or at home (Alternating and weather dependent) ( 90 minutes)
THURSDAY: Technical boxing/Sparring with Instructor Kobe at Bloor (90 minutes)
FRIDAY: Water exercises at home (60 minutes)
SATURDAY: Technical boxing/Sparring with Coach Richard at Stockyards (60 minutes)

Paul "The Brick' Brec,
Stockyards Boxing Team, Masters Novice Division, Heavyweight (92 kg)

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