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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Great Brickinski


                          ** "The Brick" NEXT SCHEDULED BOUT: June 14 @ Padarewski Park / Master's Heavyweight Division **

Welcome to Entry 157.
This time a look at Wednesday sparring, 
and Stockyards' next boxing show with my scheduled comeback bout, will not be a George Bell Arena as expected...

No Sparring on Holiday Monday, But Lots On Wednesday

Yeah, lots of sparring.
I am being sarcastic. Hardly anyone showed up for sparring on Wednesday.

Here is Junmar who put this great sparring session together, and nobody is going.
I know summer is coming, but so is a huge card on June 14, and nobody is going to be freaking ready. June 14 is not that far away. Less than 4 weeks.

I did manage to get in three rounds, but I need more than that.

There is no way I am going to lose my comeback match.
I am working my butt off every day to get ready. Although I am not always at Stockyards gym, I do training daily. Either at Bloor Fitness, or on my own. 
I work 45-50 hours per week, and still manage to get at least an hour of training a day.

Less than four weeks, people, and it is still 

Long Road To Vaughan

Well, we are getting closer to my big comeback bout.
However, it will not be happening at my home gym.
Stockyards' next boxing show on June 14 will be in the town of Vaughan.
At the Pararewski Park to be exact.

A couple of weeks ago Richard asked me if I would pass for being Polish.
I thought he was screwing around. I had no idea he was seriously thinking about having his boxing show way up there.
Yeah, call me "The Brickinski" !

I hope he has a way to get the team up there. I don't have a car, and there is no bus going there. I mean, we are talking north of Rutherford Road.

I don't understand why Richard would rent a venue, when he has his own? 
Then again, I'm not paying for it, so it is not my business.

The Never-Ending Hockey Season  
a.k.a The George Bell Arena (Taxpayer) Screw

Okay, so here is another City of Toronto bullshit stunt: Summer hockey at the George Bell Arena. 
Two things come to mind here. First, do we really need hockey in the summer? Second, were the taxpayers of Toronto made aware that this was happening, considering the cost of keeping the arena open all summer?

For some reason, they are having a summer hockey league at the arena. One

day a week from now until the end of August.
As a result, they are keeping the arena open 7 days a week.
Does anyone have any idea how much it is going to cost to keep the refrigeration units operating over the summer months, with temperature expected to reach the low 30's on most days? All so they can have a completely and totally unnecessary summer league?

That may explain why Richard can't have his summer show there.

Another issue I have is, there is no hot water in the George Bell arena. We have to wash, and worse, shower with ice cold water.
The city is too cheap to provide hot water, but they have no problem keeping the arena open all summer to support a winter sport...with taxpayer's money.

That explains it. The money they saved on not having hot water all winter is going to pay to keep the ice surface open all summer.
That makes a lot of sense, in a 'City of Toronto, Crack-Smoking Mayor' sort-of way.

I know what you are thinking. "You want to box all year, why can't we play hockey all year?"
The difference is that my sport does not require the financial support of Toronto taxpayers. As a matter-of-fact, Stockyards Boxing pays rent to the City for use of the space.
...sooooo...bite me, and stop wasting money on crap we don't need.

Also, if they are going to pull that stunt, then let's have city indoor pools open in the winter. Lots of people may want to go for a swim in January. Just like people want to play hockey in July.

Support "The Brick" and the Stockyards Boxing Team

I hope everyone can make it on June 14.
It will be a very exciting time for followers of this blog. 
Please come out and show your support, and watch me kick some sorry ass.

I will let everyone know through this blog when and where tix will be available.

Also, if Rogers TV is not there, I will have a crew from Metropolis TV on hand to capture all the action.

Understanding the Complicated Rules Of Auctions

This should be in the Stupidity Files, and if it keeps happening, it will.

This is a peeve of mine with the online auction. This happens more with Auctionmaxx than the other one.
People who way over-bid.

For example, I put in a proxy of $28 for 150 new blank DVD-R.
Someone outbid me, by putting in a bid of $34.
Does this person realize that you can buy the same thing for $29 in the store?
That is specifically why I put $28.
I mean, these people know that this is not the "Land Of Make Believe", right?
You actually have to pay what you bid, right?

That is just one example of many for that site.

How about this one? 
Yeah, that is an actual screenshot.
$45 for 24 plastic cups? That is almost $2 each. 
Is this person insane?
You can get similar mugs at Dollarama for $1.25.

Other examples are bids on electronic devices, that are untested. Bids go almost as high as the cost of a new one...and what if it doesn't work, smartass?

Here are the rules: 
For new products, don't bid higher than retail price (no-brainer).
For used items, no more than 50% of "new" value.
For used electronics, maximum 50% if you know it is working, and no more than 10% if you know the item does not work, or not sure.

I don't mind being outbid by a reasonable bid, but when someone over-bids, just to win the auction, is just...stupid. 

Going forward, I am going to post the user IDs of stupid bidders in the Stupidity Files.
After all, it is public information. Winning bidders names have to be displayed on the website.

Check the value of things before you bid, people. (no-brainer again)

I'll bet $5.45 in Canadian Tire money that some idiot will bid higher than face value for this before auction end!

NEXT SCHEDULED BOUT: JUNE 14 @ Padarewski Park

"The Brick", member of the Stockyards Boxing Team
Stockyards Boxing and Fitness, 215 Ryding Ave., Toronto
Record: 0 / 0  / 1 
Weigh-in on May 17 / 2014 @ 84 kg / 187 lbs. {no change}
Last bout: September 21 / 2013 [Exhibition]
Next scheduled bout: June 14  / 2014 @ Padarewski Park
Training schedule: Monday to Sunday, with sparring twice weekly
Coaches: R. Soucé, J, Emon
Resting HR: 64 - 68
Stance: Orthodox 


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