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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Heaven Help Me! I Just Want To Be A Boxer, Damnit!

OK, this whole boxing thing is getting to be a bit too dramatic, and is getting to be a real pain in the ass.
I am going to chalk up the Kingsway Disaster as experience, although I am no where near finished with them. I am going to talk to a lawyer to find out if I can request a refund based on the fact that they did not do their job properly, mislead me, and cancelled my contract without just cause. As mentioned before, simply requesting better service and suggesting a different way of doing things is not disrespectful. Also, you do not put someone into a competitive boxing program, and then say, "Just because you are in a competitive program, does not mean you will compete." That is not only misleading, but it discredits the whole program. What a dumb thing to say to someone. Don't pretend to care and lead someone down a path and lead them to believe something that is not true. That is one of the worst things you can do to someone. I mean, I totally understand that you can't start in a competitive program and expect to jump into the ring right away. No shit, Sherlock. At the same time, there are alternate options. Put people into the recreational program first, then move them to competition later, and you have to provide proper coaching to make sure that happens. That is why you are being paid. If you don't feel someone is ready, say that!
Oh, and I was also told that if I had paid more, I would have received better coaching. What?! Kingsway is already the most expensive boxing club in Toronto. They wanted me to "upgrade" to $125 a month! Yeah, sure. Anyone willing to pay $125 a month for a boxing coach really needs one, because you have been hit in the head one too many times. The average is $50.
I really don't feel bad at all about what happened a Kingsway. I don't feel I was wrong. I was paying a lot of money, more than average, and they were not meeting my expectations. They are just angry because they were trying to pull a "fast-one", and got caught. It is their loss.
Since then, I have been approached by other coaches, and I was interviewing them over the past couple of days. I am pleased to announce that starting in September, Richard Souce, former Canadian Professional Champion, will be my coach. He is opening up a new place very shortly, and it has been announced that Junmar Emon, formerly of Bloor Boxing, will be one of his assistants.
I was very impressed with what Richard was telling me on the phone, and the fact that Junmar will be helping him, is a big bonus. I know Junmar quite well, and I know that he will not screw around.
In the meantime, I am still training at Bloor Street Fitness. Although I sometimes complain about them, I really do like them. The staff are friendly, they are open 24 hours, and are only one block from my apartment. I just don't like what has been happening to the boxing program.
However, something interesting happened while I was there on Monday. One of the boxing trainers, I think there is only one left, came up to me while I was using the heavy bag, and started coaching me! Yeah, as a matter-of-fact, he went up to all the boxers, and started providing feedback. Just like that. We did not even have to ask. Yeah, the things that make you go "Hmmmmmmm...".
After, we were talking, and he wants to have more "real" boxing classes, with sparring classes. He also wants to see Bloor become certified by Boxing Ontario. Once that is done, Bloor will be able to offer a competitive boxing program. This is an interesting turn of events. Could the opening of Richard's gym have something to do with this?
However, as much as the staff at Bloor want the gym to become certified, the final decision is up to the owner. It costs money for a Boxing Ontario certification, and from what I have been seeing lately, I am not sure they are willing to put any more money into the boxing. At this point, I have decided to keep my membership at Bloor because of the convenience. As far as the Boxing Ontario certification goes, all I have to say about that is, "Show me the money".
I am looking forward to my new relationship with my new coaches at the new (not yet open) Stockyards Boxing Club. However, I have decided that this will be the absolute last time I change coaches. If Richard and Junmar can not help me, it will likely be "bye-bye boxing". I will admit that it will be a rough road to start. I have been programmed and de-programmed and re-programmed with so many different types of coaching, that I am really confused right now. It is easier to teach someone a sport when they don't know anything, as opposed to someone like me who has had 15,000 different coaches with different coaching techniques. I ask for patience. I will do my best, provided that I am provided constant feedback. Do not pretend to care. I have been through too much of that. Richard wants to create a new boxing team from scratch, and I am willing to help. I want to be part of it. Together, I think we can make it work. Just give me a fair chance, and be honest. I do not need another let-down.

Paul "Pissed-Off" Brec

For information on Stockyards Boxing:
Stockyards Boxing and Fitness

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