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Friday, February 10, 2012

Getting Back To the "Ropes"

"The Brick" is back!

Yes, it has been a while since I have posted here. I have been away in Montreal, and I did do some training while I was there. The hotel let me shadow box in the basement.
I, unfortunately could not find a decent gym in Montreal that would let me train for just a few days.

I am also happy to announce that I have lost some weight. I am on my way out of the Heavyweight division. In the past 3 weeks, I have dropped from 92 kg to 90 kg. My goal is to get to 83 kg, which would put me into the Light-Heavyweight division (I think, I will have to verify with Coach).

I have had two sparring sessions since coming back from Montreal.
I have to say that I am seeing some improvement, especially with defense.  I have been finding that I am now blocking a lot more attacks than ever before.

One of the guys I sparred this week was a guy who was new to boxing, so I made the mistake of underestimating him. One mistake you can make in any sport is to underestimate your opponent.
He was a small guy. For those who may not know, boxing is one of those sports where smaller guys have an advantage. A small guy is more agile and can move quicker.
This guy ran circles around me. Zoom...zoom....zoom....Where the hell did he go? Then he would snap out a jab, and nail me from out of nowhere. Oh, there he is...???
Overall, my sparring is getting much better.

My coaches are also seeing some improvement. I know there is still some work. I will keep at it. My goal is still to start competition boxing by this summer. At the rate I am going, I don't see that as impossible.

A reminder, this Friday February 10, Stockyards will be hosting another night of boxing. Please come out and join us at 215 Ryding Avenue at 8:00 PM.
Rogers TV will be there to cover the even as well, and I will be on the crew as a camera operator. That means, I will not be able to get my own video of the event. I'm a good camera operator, but not that good!

That is all for this report. I will be back to doing regular blogs again.

Paul "The Brick" Brec
Stockyards Boxing Team, Masters Novice Heavyweight Division (90 kg)

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