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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Saying Goodbye To Bloor

Hi all.

First of all, I have decided to let my Bloor Fitness membership lapse. 
It was actually fairly easy to do. 
You see, my bank helped a bit. I have been a customer of Scotiabank for about 20 years. 
Scotiabank is the absolute best bank. It really is. I have never had a problem with them.

So, anyway, due to a problem with my bank, Bloor Fitness did not get paid this month. 
I have decided that I am not going to bother trying to pay them manually. I am just going to tell them to use the last month's payment, and let them go. 
It is convenient that hey are open 24 hours, but that is really the only advantage.
I can get to Stockyards at least five times a week. Otherwise, I get lots of exercise at work.

Speaking of work, although not boxing related:

I went full-time security at a 'distribution centre'. Okay,  its a warehouse. Let's stop with fancy names. Anyway, it is up on Disco Road. Yes, you read that correctly, Disco, as in the cheesy 70's music.
It does not matter which warehouse, there are a lot of them up there.

Here is what happened: I am barely one-week full-time at the warehouse, and I am getting in crap from the supervisor. Yesterday, a trailer left the yard and went to the wrong location. It went to Thunder Bay instead of London. Yeah, that is a huge mistake.
So, apparently it is my fault the truck driver is an idiot.
Am I a security guard or a logistics expert? It is not my job to make sure that the trailers are going to the correct locations. That is up to the dispatch supervisor. 
Oh, there is that word again, "supervisor". I forgot, supervisors don't work.
Definition of a supervisor: One who delegates, then takes credit for work well-done, and lays blame when work is done poorly.
Oh come on. I know you were all thinking that. I am just the only one with balls big enough to say it.

In addition, it is a real pain in the ass to get there by bus. There are only two bus routes on Disco Road. The 112C and the 45A. The 112C is never freaking on time (typical for buses in Toronto), and also the 112C does not operate on evenings on the weekend. There is a 2 km walk from Martin Grove Road, along Belford Drive, up Brockport Road, and along the entire length of Disco Road...In the dark, poorly illuminated, with no sidewalks. How safe is that? 
As for the 45A, I have never seen one. It is on the TTC map, but apparently doesn't really exist. One of the TTC's  many pseudo bus routes.

So, they want to move me to another location. 
You mean a location where every little thing isn't my fault, and has more reliable bus service? Oh, no. Please don't.

One final note: Don't forget about the Stockyards boxing show this Saturday. Doors open at 7 PM. 
Please come out and support a great amateur boxing facility.
Metropolis Community Media will be covering the event for Metropolis TV West.Cheers,
"The Brick"



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