****** [EVENTS] ....**** ... * ********

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Return of 'The Cobra'

Welcome to Entry 162.

In this post: 'The Cobra' returns, 
and Coach Rick tries to kill The Brick,
also, Mississauga Transit once again makes an appearance in 'The Stupidity Files'.
Plus,  'The Brick' gets a new smartphone, and it could be his greatest challenge ever...


I went in for sparring on Monday, and Richard was not there, only Junmar.
That was a bit uncomfortable, since Junmar coaches 'The Cobra'.
Speaking of...'The Cobra' was there, helping Junmar with his fitness class.
Really? So, now he is something special?

'Cobra' came over to me and asked, "I am doing a class now, so can you come at 5:30 to be in my class?"

Okay, so this is the rundown: The guy who supposedly "beat" me on the 14th of June, now wants me to join his "fitness" class?
.......The fuck ???
While I was mentally flipping him off, I politely told him that the bus that takes me to the boxing gym, the 71A, does not leave the terminal until 5:36, and depending on traffic, will get me to the gym by 5:50 or 5:55.

Of course, if I really wanted to, I could take an earlier bus -but- I don't want to.
Richard is my coach, and he wants me at the gym by 6:00 on Mondays, so I am there by 6:00, as the coach.

Overall, 'Cobra" is a nice guy, but I usually don't take fitness classes taught by other boxers..
I mean, you are just another boxer. How do you get off pretending to be a coach?
Most of these guys don't even do the exercises they are trying to get other people to do.

I told 'Cobra' that I wanted to re-match him, and he said, "Well, whatever. I don't take it seriously."
Well, I do.
This is the first time I have ever taken a sport seriously.
You see, I never really bothered trying to be a serious athlete, knowing full well that it would not work in my favour.

There are two types of people in this world. Those who get everything served to them on a silver platter, and then there are the peons. 
I am a peon. I have accepted that. Therefore, in the past, I did not see any point wasting time participating in sports.
Most of you know about my return to boxing, but just as I expected, I lost my first match for apparently no reason, except that I am a peon.

I am not quite ready to quit, but this loss did turn me off quite a bit.
I will have to see what happens in my next bout, which will hopefully be in September.


On Saturday, I went to Stockyards Gym right after work, so I was there by about 10 AM.

I did a warm-up plus shadow boxing, which I always do.
Then, Richard had me spar four rounds with Dharius. He's only 14, and not very big, but very fast. He had me running around that ring like crazy.
After all that, Richard wanted me to do Phil's fitness class.
The only reason I did  Phil's class is because Richard was present.
However, I think Rick is trying to kill me. 
I did not complete Phil's class. I did not do the boxing part, but I did the fitness part.
Not bad considering not having any sleep.


Rogers sent me a Blackberry Q5, and it is one of those touch-screen deals. 
I don't like those. How the hell do you control it? I am a button and dial person. I am really not into fingering my phone.

Someone asked why I like Blackberry so much.
It is not that I like Blackberry, as much as I don't like anything else.
What else is there? The Crapple Gayphone, overpriced garbage, or Ass-Roid, which sucks, and Rogers is not offering anything with Winblows right now, so....what else is there?


I am stuck taking Mississauga Transhit a bit longer to use up the tickets they gave me, that they gave me the run-around to get.
I originally went to the City Centre Terminal as instructed by MiWay customer service, and nobody there knew anything about it.
I complained, and they sent the tickets to the Islington Subway ticket booth.
Surprise, surprise, they were there, so now I am using them.

However, they are doing nothing to improve their service.
On Thursday of last week, both the 3 and the 26 were late leaving Islington.
They were both supposed to leave at 9:50, and neither showed up until well after 10:15. It was 10:18 to be exact for the 26. I have no idea when the 3 got there.
I mentioned it to Miway, and their (usual) answer, "According to our records both buses departed at 9:50."

Oh, okay. The bus is supposed to depart at 9:50, and does not even show up until 10:18, but the bus is not late.
Don't freaking tell me the freaking bus is not freaking late, when I am freaking standing right there, and I don't see a bus.
There is something seriously wrong with these people.

Okay, then. Let me put this into a language that their little minds can intake:
I am the customer. I pay the bills. If I say the bus is late, the bus is freaking late. Live with it.

Mississauga is famous for two things, "It is not my/our fault" and "Sometimes things happen".
Do you know what these are?
These are excuses for laziness, and Mississauga is full of that, and full of other things, too.

...and still the cry-baby capital of Ontario.

"I'm from Mississauga...I'm sorry."

"The Brick", member of the Stockyards Boxing Team
Stockyards Boxing and Fitness, 215 Ryding Ave., Toronto
Record: 0 / 1  / 1 
Weigh-in on June 20 / 2014 @ 86 kg / 190 lbs. {no change}
Last bout: June 14 / 2014 [Loss by Decision]
Next scheduled bout: N/A
Training schedule: Monday to Sunday, sparring 3 times weekly
Coaches: R. Soucé, J, Emon
Resting HR: 64 - 68
Stance: Orthodox 


"Nobody Beats The Brick"

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