****** [EVENTS] ....**** ... * ********

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Most Depressing Place On Earth, Merry Christmas

ENTRY 213 

Wow. Four sparring sessions this past week. I was able to work on focusing on all different aspects of the sport.

MONDAY: Four rounds total. Focus on defense.
WEDNESDAY: Two rounds with Trainer Junmar. Focus on cardio.
THURSDAY: Six rounds total. Focus on footwork.
FRIDAY: Six rounds total. Focus on offense.


Holidays Are Coming, Are You Ready? I'm Not

As you know, this has been a very busy month for me, and the Holiday season has just kind of sneaked up on me. 
What? Its December 20-something already?

I finally put up my "decorations" yesterday:

Yep. That's the extent of the decorations this year...Well, this and a small fibre-optic tree.

It actually took a long time. In addition to the lights not staying up for some reason, something was pissing me off.
Do you want to see what it was?

It was this stupid thing:

It took three hours to get this fucking timer to (not) do what I wanted.

Lights on at 5 PM and off at 3:30 AM. 
How fucking difficult is that?
For me, three-hours worth of difficult.
I mean, look at it! Its like master control at Darlington Nuclear Plant!

Its a freaking light timer!
Does it really need so many buttons?

This thing allows you to set a different on/off time for each day of the week.
I don't freaking need that!
On-off, on-off, on-off...lights go on, lights go off, lights go on, lights go off.

Come on! My life is already complicated enough, I don't need this thing to make it worse.

Anyway. The lights are still not going on/off automatically, so there was $12 well spent.
Let's see how far I can throw it.

Now that I have "taken care" of the timer, all I have to do is find a way to keep the lights from falling down every two hours.

Yeah. As usual, nothing works right for me. 

The Most Depressing Place On Earth

We all know the Happiest Place On Earth is in Anaheim, California. 
However, The Most Depressing Place On Earth is right here in Toronto, Ontario.

It is this place:

The Stockyards location to be exact.

I like to go there occasionally, on the way home from boxing. 

I have been there twice since moving, and both times I have wanted to ask, "Who died?"

Go in there any weekday after 7 PM, and check out the staff. 
Wow. Try to get one of them to crack a smile, or even talk with a pleasing tone.
The only happy person in there is the manager, and that is really odd, since it is usually the manager who is the asshole. 

I mean, come on people. So you work at Popeyes? 
It could be worse. You could be a bus driver.

At least you have a job. Look at how many are unemployed.

Tardy 79A, Or Just Retarded?

Speaking of bus drivers. The 79A was late again on Friday. It was late last Friday, and the Friday before that.
What is it with this bus being late every Friday?
Does the driver have something against Fridays?

Piss me off. 
Every other day, I get to the gym before 6 PM. On Friday, it is always after 6 PM, because that damn bus is late.

Of course, I could just walk. I keep forgetting, the boxing gym is now walking distance for me.

...or maybe, the bus could just freaking be on time.
Wow. What a concept!

Rogers, The Bully?

I have been in my new apartment just over three weeks, and the cable TV is finally working properly.
Amazing. It took Rogers four technicians and three weeks to "fix" it.

There was freezing and pixelation, and Channel 475 was not coming on at all.

I was told that the cable inside was crap. A new cable they just put in.
Then, it was the cable coming into the building.
Then, it was the cable within the building.

It turned out to be none of that.
It was the receiver.
Yeah. After all that, the cable box was fucked.
Which is odd in itself, since it worked fine at the old place.

Anyway, long story short, I have the Fight Network back, but I clearly told Rogers that I was not paying for it.
That is a premium channel that I pay extra for, and since for more than half the month it did not work, I am not paying.

Interestingly, they agreed. 
Actually, they are giving me three months of free Fight Network.

Here is the thing with Rogers, they are a bully. If you let them, they will try to bully you. However, just like any bully, if you stand up to them, they wall back down and give in.

My next bout with Rogers will be over Blackberry data usage.
I went over my whole 2 GB of threshold, and now they want to charge me $50.

You know what? I'm not paying it. 
You know what? I won't have to.

Beatdown time....again.

Service Canada? Yeah, Right

If you remember from my last entry, the fiasco with Employment Insurance?

They called me today.
I was not home, but she wanted me to call her back.
I didn't.
Quite honestly, I really don't feel like dealing with that right now.

I might call in the new year, but I really don't care any more.

I'm working a job I like right now, and speaking of...

And Now For Something Completely Different

On Tuesday, I was called into the office to do a test.
This was one of those tests that companies give their employees to check up on how well they can do the job.
With this test, you had to pass to keep your job.
Yeah. One of those.

I don't know how many companies do that, but the one I work for certainly does.

Anyway, here I am all upset about this test, and sure enough, I get a call from the Operations Manager the following day.

Oh, oh.

He wants me to come back to the office on Tuesday.

Well, as it turned out, I performed so well on the test, that he wants to discuss "other opportunities with the company".

That is really weird, since I just started there. I mean, I have literally not even received my first pay, and they are already offering me something else.
Usually, you have to be with a company for at least three months before you can transfer to another post.

I guess these things can happen, and they do happen. Rarely, and never to me.

On Tuesday, I will find out what they have to offer.

I am not going to say any more about it, because with my luck I will 'jinx' it.

At this point, I am just happy that the company likes me.

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays

This will be the last entry before Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Whatever Holiday you celebrate.
To those of you who celebrate nothing, have a great week.
'See' you next entry, on next Friday or Saturday.

"The Brick"
Record: 0 / 2 / 1 

 September 27 /2014 vs. Matt Standish [Loss by decision] @ 85 kg
 June 14 /2014  vs. Leo Ronin [Loss by decision] @ 86 kg
September 21 /2013 Exhibition @ 90 kg
Stance: Orthodox  (Left lead) / Style: Technical
Status:  ACTIVE

*Daily within 2 weeks of a match, weekly otherwise.
   Current:  186 lbs / 84 kg 

HR resting 62 - 64
HR stressed, on treadmill  130 - 134 
HR stressed, after sparring  134 - 138 

"The Brick", member of the Stockyards Boxing Team
Stockyards Boxing and Fitness, 215 Ryding Ave., Toronto
Next scheduled bout: N/A
Training schedule: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, sparring 2 - 3 times weekly
Coach: Richard Soucé  / Trainer: Junmar Emon


              email "The Brick"


adamthewoo  Forgotten and abandoned places and filming locations (YouTube)
Fight Network TV channel dedicated to combat sports
Boxing Ontario  Regulatory body for amateur boxing in Ontario

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