****** [EVENTS] ....**** ... * ********

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An Odd Request From A Coach In Welland

I would like to start off by saying congrats to Junmar. His class was full yesterday:

I arrived late, because the Mississauga bus was late as usual. I really could not get in to participate in his class, so I did my own training.
Junmar's classes are always very popular, and it looks like some people from Bloor have followed him to Stockyards.
Although I like his class, there is really not much boxing involved. Richard would much prefer his boxers go to his technical boxing classes on weekends. I do that too!
Richards has also announced more Tai Chi classes. That is good news.
While we are on the topic of Stockyards, there was some really good boxing this past Friday. I video recorded all of the matches, and I am currently editing them. Most will be available for viewing soon.
However, I did receive a rather odd request from the coach of Nappers Boxing in Welland. He wanted me to remove his boxers' bouts from YouTube. However, he wants a DVD copy of them.
Yeah, let me think about this, mmmmmmm.....No.
His reason for this? He is worried that another coach might study his boxers. Oh, no! That is the last thing we want. Shit.
Give it a break. I sense a bit of paranoia. This is amateur boxing. I am sure the coaches have better things to do with their time. I know Richard does not have time for that crap. Just focus on coaching your own athletes. Don't worry about others.
The piss off part for me is that he still expects me to use my time to produce a DVD for him.
I have decided that this one time only, I will  honor his request, but not again.
Okay, let me explain how this works. It is obvious that some people don't understand this extremely complicated procedure.
A sporting event is news, that means that anyone can go to the event and video record or photograph the event. The finished product then belongs to the person who shot the event, and  therefore can use and distribute said material in any manner.
Secondly, D-I-T-O Productions is a non-profit organization. We rely on revenue from Google AdSense to help pay for the production costs, and uploading costs. It helps keep the costs of our hard copies minimal, and in some cases, free. If we remove videos, we are no longer paid for that video, and therefore will have to increase the costs of the hard copies, which used to be free for coaches.
Third, it takes a lot of my time to edit and upload these. I think it is very rude and disrespectful of my time to ask me to remove something. Therefore, I will not do it again.
The new rates for hard copies of bouts are as follows: Blu-ray copies will increase from $9 to $15, DVD copies will increase from $4 to $10, and Unauthored DVDs (RAW files) will increase from $1 to $5, and no more "First copy free for coaches", effective now.
Now, as I continue to rant, on to one of my favorite organizations, Boxing Ontario. Yes, you all know how much I like them.
I am in the process of filing the Bureaucratic Bullshit paperwork that is required to become registered, so I can do hard sparring. Rick said that I need a full Boxing Ontario membership to do sparring, even if I don't compete.
I asked Rick how he felt, because I do not want to "invest" $57 into Ripoff Ontario for nothing. If I don't have a chance in hell, why bother?  Richard then said, "OK, let me work with you a bit more, first".
Shit. That is not the answer I wanted to hear, but I guess I asked for it. My fault.
Anyway, I am thinking of lying about my age on the registration form. I am putting 1972 as my birthday.  First of all, I feel that it would be real difficult to get opponents if I put my real age. Secondly, they really don't need to know my real age. They can't stop me from boxing based on age, anyway. Therefore, what difference does it make?
Boxing Ontario can reboot my Wang.

Paul "The Brick" Brec
Member of the Stockyards Boxing Team

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